How to Boost Your Energy this Autumn.
Simple Tips for Staying Energised with Seasonal Nutrition.
As the days become shorter and the temperatures drop, maintaining your energy levels can become more challenging. Luckily, Autumn is the perfect time to focus on meals rich in energy-boosting nutrients to keep you feeling vibrant and energised. The key vitamins that help sustain your energy throughout the day include B vitamins, iron, and magnesium.
B Vitamins: Vitamins B6 and B12 are important for energy because they help turn the food you eat into fuel your body can use. You can find B vitamins in foods like whole grains, leafy greens, and eggs.
Iron: Iron helps carry oxygen throughout your body, and not having enough can make you feel tired. Eating iron-rich foods like lentils and spinach is important for keeping your energy up, especially in the cooler months.
Magnesium: Magnesium is important for energy and muscle function. It also helps with sleep, which is key to staying energised. You can find magnesium in nuts, seeds, and leafy greens.
Our new Autumn menu is filled with meals that feature these essential vitamins to keep you energised all day long. Whether you are enjoying a lentil salad rich in iron, a whole-grain bowl packed with B vitamins, or a leafy green salad full of magnesium, we’ve got you covered for a healthy and energized fall season!
With love & good taste,
Team Kurami.