Is it really Blue Monday?
Blue Monday, otherwise known as ‘the most depressing day of the year’. The pressures of Christmas are over, but the days are still cold and dark, and an avalanche of new year, new you, expectations can be overwhelming. This negative label on an ordinary Monday can be daunting, which is why we should treat it like any other day.
As always, it is important that we take the time to sit back, reflect and listen to our emotions, and January is often a good time to do so. However there is no need to mentally prepare for a specific day that can quite often induce unnecessary anxiety and stress. What the emphasis around ‘Blue Monday’ does do, is it gives opportunity to challenge some of the stigma surrounding depression and mental health, raising awareness of it’s symptoms, says the Director at the Mental Health Foundation.
So, instead of using today as an escapism to harvest negative energy, take this opportunity to view it as just another day in your week. Call a friend for a chat, eat nourishing foods, take the time to exercise, meditate, and do whatever works for you. If you do feel like you need support during this time of the year, Mind has plenty of resources on its website. Click here to access information on symptoms, cognitive behavioural therapy and helplines in addition to tips on self-care, getting enough sleep, and staying active.
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