5 blood sugar friendly snack ideas

Blood sugar balance refers to a gentle wave of the blood sugar levels going up after a meal and down as it is being digested and the energy from it used up. An unhealthy blood sugar response is when instead of a steady increase and decrease, prominent spikes and dips occur, creating a vicious cycle.

Blood sugar levels matter way beyond diabetes prevention and management, as research shows that unstable blood sugar has a negative impact on energy levels, ability to focus, mood, cravings, skin health, inflammation, women’s health and risk of chronic illnesses.

This month, we spoke to our Kurami nutritionist to talk about blood sugar friendly snack ideas that you can easily make at home.

  1. Hummus or guacamole with veggie sticks
  2. Sliced apple or pear with 1-2 tsp nut butter
  3. Smoked salmon wrapped around cucumber sticks
  4. 15-20 nuts with 1-2 squares of dark chocolate
  5. Yoghurt with berries and a few crushed nuts

At Kurami we ensure that our snacks fit with recommended nutrition guidelines, while remaining deliciously tasty. Treat your gut to homemade truffles, pink chia pudding, seasonal vegetable dips with rice crackers and many other much-loved client favourites.