5 Ways to Reduce Your Alcohol Intake this January
The doors of 2020 have officially, and finally, closed; let us welcome 2021 with a fresh, new, and nourishing start.
January is known as the month of change. People all around the globe simultaneously take on new challenges, plans, and habits at the beginning of each year, with hopes to achieve their New Year’s resolutions; Dry January being amongst the many. Millions partake in Dry January as each year begins, however it is common for this number to drastically decrease as the month goes on.
A nutritionist’s take on how reducing alcohol consumption can benefit your health:
Excessive intake of alcohol is known to increase the risks of many poor health outcomes. Alcohol also provides energy, at 7kcal per gram. When we drink, we are also more likely to eat more. Therefore, cutting back on alcohol might make us feel better in the long run, but also help to reduce the calorie intake from alcoholic drinks.
Of course it is ok to have an occasional drink, but in order to keep the health risks at a minimum, the Chief Medical Officer suggests consuming no more than 14 units a week, and it is advised to spread this over a couple of days.
Check out the Drink Aware website here for further information.
What is your why?
Before we progress on to our suggested steps that you can use to keep your January alcohol-free, it is important that you must first set a strong, positive intention to keep you grounded throughout the month.
Your why can be anything from wanting to feel your best, to wanting to be the best version of yourself for the people around you. Having a motivating factor is truly what will drive you to stick to this goal throughout the month, and maybe even throughout the entirety of 2021.
We have created 5 strategic steps that you can utilise this January, to support the reduction of your alcohol consumption:
1. Create a plan
Structure will serve as your blueprint for the month! Alcohol can be almost habitual for many people, therefore, laying out a plan can be the best way to recognise and remove any attitudes that may be causing your drinking habits.
2. Focus on creating new, positive habits
Instead of breaking any old habits, why not put more positive ones in place instead? These positive habits can include going for an evening walk, spending your last few hours of the day reading, or even practicing meditation.
These habits will not only keep your mind off of having your usual glass of wine, but it can also reinforce a more positive and loving mindset toward yourself, further motivating you to keep you on track.
3. Keep yourself accountable
If you are taking part in Dry January, let it be known. Through vocalising your goals as well as your intentions, this will not only make it clearer to yourself as to why you have chosen to do this, it will also prevent any miscommunication in any January gatherings that you wish to attend.
Usually, friends and family provide you with words of encouragement when this is mentioned, which can feed your motivation even more.
4. Find fizzy alternatives
If it is the flavour that you are missing, why not replace this with a fizzy alternative? This can be a solution to keep you engaged and more comfortable whilst surrounded with friends or family who are continuing to drink. There are so many interesting ways of making your fizzy drinks exciting too - one of them is adding frozen fruit and herbs like mint leaves.
One of our suggested alcohol alternatives is Seedlip. As we enter into the new year, we are partnering with Seedlip Drinks to offer Seedlip Spice 94 & Grapefruit Tonic cans with all Kurami orders from 11–20th of January. Seedlip’s uniquely aromatic flavours serve as the perfect alcohol-free beverage to keep you naturally buzzed through January.
5. Find new ways to socialise
Drinking has become a key part when socialising within many adult events, however you can take control of this before they even happen. Before you say yes to an invite, it may be helpful to first be mindful of what the event is about and if it will be beneficial for you to attend.
Additionally, you can also plan your own events where alcohol can easily be taken out of the picture! Plan a day party, a catch up in a coffee shop, or even a hike. There are plenty of ways to maintain a flourishing social life, whilst also achieving your goals.
If you are a proud member of Dry January this year, know that it may not be as hard as you may think! There are a plethora of practices that can help keep you on track, and you most definitely have the power to do so. Stay positive, and stay consistent.
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