Reconnecting with your Food
Have we lost our connection with food?
What is surprising, is that as a society our interest in knowing where our food comes from is slowly disappearing. A 2019 survey showed that a fifth of UK adults were unaware of what fruits and vegetables are seasonal, with 1 in 10 under the impression that tofu was a type of mushroom.
Whilst our appreciation and enjoyment for cooking channels, celebrity chefs and food-related tv shows is on the rise, there seems to be a huge gap between understanding where our food comes from and the food that feeds us. Why is this important? Our foundation to eating well stems upon what we know about food. This also helps us to develop the interest and an appreciation for food, their tastes and flavours, as we know food is not simply fuel alone.
We have put together the following tips for you to start exploring and making your relationship with food more interesting:
Do your research. There are lots of resources and tools on the internet to help you understand the best fruit and veg to buy in season. Pop in your email address here and you will receive our supermarket rainbow checklist straight to your inbox, which showcases the best fresh produce to buy this September.
Shop local. Support local where you can, whether that be at the greengrocer, butcher or fishmonger. When you buy from small businesses, they will often tell you where exactly the produce is sourced, and you can guarantee its freshness - fresh produce often taste better and could be enjoyed at its best quality.
Try something new. Every week, try to use a new cooking method to prepare your food. Perhaps it is charring vegetables instead of roasting them in the oven, or having fun and trying a traditional bamboo steamer. Your limit is your imagination, and if you need any inspiration, drop us a line and we will be happy to give you some inspiration. Did we mention that our rainbow guide has some exclusive Kurami recipes? Click here to download it.
At Kurami we are proud to source local, organic produce wherever possible. We maintain positive relationships with our suppliers, and prioritise sourcing British produce. Our Kurami nutritionist approves each of our meals to ensure that you are getting the macronutrients you need, so there is no room for guess work.
By learning more about the food we eat and and researching its origin, we not only deepen our relationship with it, but we also gain a wider understanding of what exactly we are putting into our body. Seeing food beyond face value creates a sense of appreciation as to how our food was harvested, processed, and reinforces mindful eating, improving our overall relationship with food.